Tuesday, March 20, 2012


WHEW!  What a hectic past few weeks...

I want to first say that I have read the most amazing book...it's called 90 Minutest in Heaven.  If you haven't read it...go to Walmart NOW! :)  It's basically about a preacher on his way home from a conference when he gets in a wreck...he recalls details of heaven (which give me chills) & he recalls family & friends who have passed that he got to see and so forth.  Then he wakes up to a man praying and singing and him singing as well..Okay I'm not going to give too much off about it, but man oh man was it good!...definetly a re-reader!!  It put a lot of things into perspective...things about Cole's illness & things that I live with everyday.

On to Mr. Cole bug---

Well let's just say that by today, Cole has met just about every specialist that Children's Hospital of New Orleans offers.  The "work-up" for his transplant requires this so it makes for a hectic schedule!  Let's just put it this way...this is what this week & next consists of....

  • Today-Bone Marrow Aspiration in both hips and a spinal tap (sedation)
  • Tomorrow-FREEEE!
  • Thursday-Blood Transfusion (his count was 8.2 & a count of 8 requires a transfusion)-By the way the transfusion takes about 5 HOURS! :/
  • Friday-Placement of new line (sedation)
  • Monday-Psychology Evaluation
  • Tuesday-Admittance for Campath
  • Wed., Thur., Fri.-Campath
  • Sat.-Discharge!

WHEWW!!  & that's just dr. apts. that doesn't include squeezing moving into the process.  Yes...moving!  We sold our trailer & the new owners will be here to pick it up Monday...holy cow I need more of me (possibly a clone..hmm!)

I'm so stressed...even though I've said this time & time again about everything I truly mean it now more than ever.  I'm constantly stopping in mid thought and just praying "God PLEASE give me the courage to face what's the come, the stamina to keep up and the strength to keep moving"  and I know as soon as I start talking God knows just what I'm about to say!

I can't make this entry too long because it's getting late and tomorrow is about the only day free to finally move what I can out....I'm hoping to get back on soon, but it might be next week when we're in the hospital before I get another chance!

I love each & every one of you guys & I ask that you  please continue to pray for Cole and my family.  We have a long hard road facing Cole, but I just know that he's come this far doing as well as he can that I won't believe for one moment that he'll turn back now :)


1 comment:

  1. Praying girl and we love you guys too!!! Cole is precious :)
